Free Download The Food Processor Family Cookbook: 120 Recipes for Fast Meals Made From Scratch, by Nicki Sizemore
- Desember 13, 2017
- By ad072297
Free Download The Food Processor Family Cookbook: 120 Recipes for Fast Meals Made From Scratch, by Nicki Sizemore
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The Food Processor Family Cookbook: 120 Recipes for Fast Meals Made From Scratch, by Nicki Sizemore
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Let's be honest, before reading Nicki's book I used my food processor for baby purees, pestos, and nut butter. Which is like 101 for the food processor. But now, I now feel like a food processor champ!―Michele Olivier, author of Little Foodie and founder of This is not just another stock celebrity chef book filled with generic recipes written by a team of ghost writers. These are real recipes developed with love by a real woman looking to feed her family.―Calvin Eaton,
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About the Author
Nicki Sizemore is a recipe developer, food stylist, video host, and cooking instructor with over a decade of experience in the food industry. She has worked with publications including Taste of Home and Fine Cooking, among others, and she is the author of the blog From Scratch Fast, featuring dishes that can be made from scratch in under an hour. She lives in the Hudson Valley, New York, with her husband and two daughters.Follow Nicki @SizemoreNickiFacebook:
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Product details
Paperback: 248 pages
Publisher: Sonoma Press (January 15, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1942411944
ISBN-13: 978-1942411949
Product Dimensions:
7.5 x 0.9 x 9.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.3 out of 5 stars
96 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#83,342 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I was hoping to see more "standard" recipes adapted to the food processor, and some guidelines for adapting your favorite recipes. A lot of the recipes are things I would never make (Indian Spiced Chickpea and collard green stew, Shrimp tacos with pumpkin seed and spinach pesto). Many of the recipes have 10+ ingredients which I generally will avoid, as I won't normally have everything on hand. Also a lot of recipes call for fresh herbs which are great if you have and can get them, but an option for dried herbs would be nice to include
The Food Processor Family Cookbook: I got this book to encourage me to use my new Hamilton Beach 12-cup food processor more than I did my old one. I was surprised to find a number of recipes I wanted to try, and how relatively straightforward the directions and ingredients were, nothing too exotic. I use crushed chilis instead of fresh jalapeno and do some other substitutions of ingredients I don't normally keep on hand. The author uses the food processor when it makes sense, rather than going out of the way to use it all the time. I'm even using my mini-processor more.
Mostly sauces
made the beet 7 apple slaw...yum got better each day...I like that it is a healthier version food processor recipes. Wish there were more colorpictures with each recipes, but know that would increase the cost of the book. Can't wait to try more recipes from this book.
Oh boy. Who knew. Excellent for a novice, like me.
Simple and delicious with a picture for each recipes.
This book gives me a lot of new ideas for what I can do with my new food processor.
the book explains a lot and I've had my food processor for a couple of years now. makes a difference.
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